Cadence - Life & Work in Motion
"Focusing attention is a skill. Where we choose to direct our gaze determines not only what we learn or believe, but how we choose to see the world." ~ Seth Godin
Hi Reader
Hope you're ok and have enjoyed some extra space over August? I got to do more walking in the Lakes and it was lovely!
So, now I'm back from summer break to share a new look newsletter with a new 3-2-1 format for easy reading.
If you missed the July newsletter, I announced that some exciting changes were underfoot, and this is part of it, alongside a new look for the Creating Cadence website, too.
Let me know what you think?
Three Resources
1. More than Human Rights
The More Than Human Life Project (MOTH) is an initiative out of NYU Law. The MOTH group are a diverse collective of lawyers, activists, philosophers, artists and scientists working together to promote the rights and wellbeing of humans, non-humans, and the web of life that supports us.
MOTH just released a fab FREE book - "More than Human Rights: An Ecology of Law, Thought and Narrative for Earthly Flourishing" - download it here.
2. Easy Ways for Mindful Days
If you've just come back from a holiday break, you know how quickly that bliss feeling gets dissed the minute the deadlines start looming. Mindfulness practices are potent antidotes to overwhelm and exhaustion.
Helpful tips in this HBR article for 7 micro mindful practices to implement during your work day to keep the stress at bay.
3. Personal Time Management
Feeling overworked can really mess with your performance. Instead of letting your workday control you, take charge! A little planning can go a long way, especially when it comes to setting priorities. It starts by figuring out your peak productivity periods.
This Business News article has loads of great intentional productivity suggestions for ways to work smarter.
Two Thoughts
Boundaries: Protect Your Peak Hours
Can you focus on your most important tasks when you’re at your best? Plan your days based on your energy, not just your tasks. And try setting boundaries "after hours" so you aren't over-working outside of work.
(Fun fact: Some EU countries actually ban after-hours emails. Why not give this a try?)
Rituals: Simple Ways to Start and End Your Day
Create intentional rituals to start and shut down, so you don't carry "the worry of work stuff" into life outside of work. These small habits signal to your brain it’s time to work or wind down. You might already have some without even realising it!
(My morning ritual: open my bullet journal on my left, place a glass of water on my right, and pop in my ear pods. How about you?)
One Action
Start using something other than your phone as your alarm clock (and stop charging your phone inside your bedroom).
It may feel traumatic at first, but it will dramatically improve your sleep, reduce your anxiety, and improve your attention.
Banning your phone from your sacred sleep sanctuary, gives your brain waves adequate time and space to properly wake before you're forced to process what gets thrown at you the minute you open those little apps!
Give it a week and then you'll wonder why you didn't do it sooner! :)
Other Stuff
The podcast will be back in late September. It's going to be a monologue season focusing on "sustainable business practices" and how they tie in with the concept of Creating Cadence.
You can find out more about why I'm doing this on the new website.
Got thoughts on this? Don't be shy, hit reply.
Until next month, hope September brings the change you need and want (hint, it starts with us).
With courage, curiosity, and cadence,
Mich x
Get Your Freebie
All new subscribers to the Cadence newsletter get a new reader gift - The Cadence Canvas Cheat Sheet - a 10-page free resource providing quick actions and activity suggestions to inspire you to be more intentionally productive in your day, with mindful practices and self-care habits to support your wellbeing and performance better.
If you didn't receive it, here's your special link to access and download the Cheat Sheet.