Cadence 88 - New Paths, New Projects

“A career is not a series of tasks. It's the chance to build things.”

Seth Godin

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Hi Reader,

Coming up for air after several weeks of intensive work and I'm still wearing closed shoes and hoodies, so it's seems Summer up north has been busy elsewhere too.

How is Part 2 of your year going so far?

Part 2 is the second part of the story. It's a chance to start over. To do something different. To make things right.

And my part 2 is starting with a pivot.

But first...

On the Pod:

The last two episodes of this season of the Creating Cadence are now live.

Heather Ingram, author of "Applied Flow: Stop Burnout. Be Awesome" talks about flow states, creating confidence, managing change and the challenges we face in doing this.

Linda Wattier, writer and Bold Wellbeing coach, shares thoughts on self-compassion, being a highly sensitive person (HSP), and how to build resilience when you're facing intensely stressful situations.

Season 11 of the podcast will be back in September. As per usual, we take a content break over the Summer.

New Path, New Projects

Both Seth Godin and I love a good project.

Perhaps it’s because I spent 20 years of my (mainly freelance) career honing my project management skills in a variety of work environments and industries.

Or maybe, as a creative thinker, I like the variety of dabbling with different projects more than the linearity of a career focusing on only one thing.

Or perhaps it’s the full cycle of a project that I find so captivating.

Seth Godin describes the stages of a project as:

“...being stuck, seeing an outcome, sharing a vision, being rejected, finding a home, building it, editing it, launching it, and planting the seeds for growth.”

As a curious person, I definitely like the exploration, experimentation, and discovery aspects of taking on new projects.

And once I get over the pain of failing, I do also like the learning that comes from the projects that don’t do so well.

When I set out to Create Cadence, the idea was to design a business that would support my wellbeing as a primary factor.

I was taking a new and unexplored path.

Testing what might work resulted in creating different projects over the last six years, to see which formats and ideas would resonate the best with people who'd benefit from my point of view.

From starting this newsletter and experimenting with a podcast (still going strong), to creating three Skillshare online courses (under my old Growth Sessions brand).

Last year, I wrote a book, which has been one of my most exciting projects to date. It’s still opening doors in unusual ways and has proven to be an invaluable coaching tool.

My latest project involved running a 10-week coaching cohort. And what this project revealed was a sobering surprise.

I discovered that I didn’t like running such long programmes!

For a few reasons...

  • I get bored easily and excel better at shorter projects. (Post burnout, I also get fatigued by things that drag on for too long - so I wasn't at my best for my participants).
  • I was spending too much time online for long periods of time. (This goes against what I advocate for with cadence and digital wellness).
  • All this time online was keeping me away from what I love to do, which is being in nature. (Time outdoors is also an important part of my active rest process).

So, I realised (a bit painfully) that I'd lost my way.

I’d been doing things that were keeping me away from what's important to me, my values, and my health.

I’d been doing things that were not bringing me joy.

And the things I’d been dreaming of doing one day, seemed to be getting farther away.

Well, it’s time for me to follow a new path and start new projects.

As Seth says,

“There’s a difference between signing on to someone else’s project and starting your own. The impresario mindset of initiation and improvisation are at the heart of the project. It’s yours, you own it. Might as well do something you’re proud of, and something that matters, because it’s your gig.”

And this next gig is something that matters to me a great deal.

It involves being more green.

I’ve spoken about B Corp in this newsletter and on the podcast multiple times.

And in Part 2 of my year, as mentioned on the podcast season finale, I’ve decided to start my own B Corp UK journey towards certification.


  • Sustainability is one of my core values.
  • I want to make more of a difference with the work I do.
  • Going B Corp has been on my vision board since I started my business.

I want to collaborate with other mission-driven business owners who, like me, want to support the wellbeing of their people alongside the wellbeing of the planet.

It’s a journey. There are several steps, and it can be a convoluted process.

But I’m excited about where this is leading.

And there are lots of smaller projects that tie into this overarching project to create a happy variety.

More on those in coming weeks and months, as there will be lots of the strategic repositioning in my business taking place during Part 2 of my year.

Over to you... what does Part 2 hold for you?

Are you looking to change something about your life or business?

What projects have you been putting off?

Perhaps my plans for Part 2 will spur you to make the necessary changes you've been mulling over for a while too?

Maybe you can use the space that summer brings to plan your next project. :)

I’ll have more new updates when Cadence comes back in September, after it’s usual summer sabbatical.

But I'm always here, so if you have questions, don't be shy, hit reply.

With courage, curiosity and cadence,

Mich x

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Images by Mich Bondesio, unless otherwise stated.