Cadence 62 - Making Space for Magic
“...create a space where the busyness stops.”
~ Thich Nhat Hahn
Hi from Mich
Hello dear ones, happy Friday 13th and here’s to everything good that a new year brings.
From the fresh energy and inspiration to try new things, to initiating new projects and activating new behaviours and intentions.
How are you feeling at this point in January?
Whatever you have planned, I hope that 2023 is all that you need and want it to be!
I’m not going to harp on about resolutions and habits (except in the curated section), but I will say a word (or three) about the power of words.
For a number of years now, I’ve chosen a word, or a series of words, that guide and define my actions for the year ahead.
As a high achiever, it’s hard for me to pick just one word though, lol!
So, I tend to cover my bases by having a power word or phrase, and then also a few other words or phrases that define both my actions and my mindset, to help me stay in tune with that word.
This year my power word is SPACE.
I chose it as a result of my recent trip to South Africa, where I unintentionally ended up being offline for most of the time, due to regular power cuts and no internet.
It was frustrating at first, but it turns out that enforced time offline was exactly what I needed!
At the end of last year, my brain felt so full of everything I’ve been working towards, that my thinking space felt cluttered. There was little room for clarity and creative thought.
Perhaps you can relate?
Lessons from the Southern Tip of Africa
My December trip was a busy one, with lots of family time and social engagements, walks by the sea, good food, and fun experiences.
It was wonderful, and full on, and also a learning experience on many levels.
One valuable reminder was this:
Time away from my usual physical and energetic space created room for me to see more objectively.
By distancing myself from my usual priorities, I finally felt capable of being more expansive in my thinking about the important things I need to focus on when returning to my “usual” life.
And while I was doing all this expansive thinking, I also got to spend a lot of time getting my feet sandy, swimming in the (frigid) sea, soaking up the suns rays, and breathing in sea air and mountain views.
It was all very good for the soul. :)
Filling My Cup
The experience also reaffirmed the idea that creating breathing space for expansive thinking needs to be a part of every day, week and month of my year, in some way or another.
It cannot just be once a year, it needs to intentionally be part of my way of life and work.
Not only does creating space in this way energise me, but it also helps me to be more productive too.
Why is creating space so important?
Without space, there’s no room for the “magic” to happen.
Now, your notion of “magic” may differ from mine.
When I talk about creating space for magic, I’m talking energetically, but not in a “woo woo” way.
So, what might making room for magic look like for me and you?
- Blocking out time in our work schedules for learning opportunities and creative activities that support more expansive thinking.
- Creating latitude in our interactions and relationships for building stronger bonds and communicating better.
- Making room for pause, so we can assess and adjust our thinking patterns, behaviours and actions, and create the space for more positive and energetic exchanges.
- Setting boundaries in, or letting go of, relationships with people who don’t value or respect our skills or strengths, who take us for granted, drain our energy and/or make us feel small.
- Changing our daily spending habits so that we can save for a future goal that is important to u, or have better access to financial resources for the important things in life, planned and unplanned.
- Decluttering our physical and digital spaces so that we can create more thinking room and manage our stress better.
Nothing happens overnight, including making magic, so the practice of making space is a work in progress.
To become part of life, it needs to become a daily habit, to be built through trial and error, practice and repetition.
The rewards for making space are multiple, including feeling a stronger sense of connection and alignment, inside ourselves and with the world around us.
That feels like magic to me. :)
Things that caught my eye...
- Spring Cleaning for the Mind:
4 ways you can create more space for all the other things that are important in your life. Easy suggestions to implement, pick one or two to avoid being overwhelmed by choice.
- How to Declutter Your Mind for Clarity and Peace - Balance Through Simplicity
- Compartmentalize Your Wardrobe:
Project 333™ is a minimalist fashion challenge that invites you to dress with 33 items or less for 3 months. I’ve been experimenting with a version of this over the last few years as part of my own minimalist journey (though my tally was more like 50 items). This year I’m going to give it a proper go.
- The Project 333 Challenge - Be More With Less
- Routines vs Habits
According to Nir Eyal, “Most of the things that people want to turn into a habit will never be a habit.”
It’s easier to build and practice supportive routines, than to develop habits. The bonus is that good routines can become habitual over time.
- The difference between ‘habits’ and ‘routines’ - Make It, CNBC
Other Stuff...
- The Book
After a recent review and planning session, the launch date has now been set for early to mid April 2023. Mark those calendars people! :)
- Brand Shifts
In my last newsletter, I announced that my Growth Sessions coaching brand was merging with Creating Cadence. Over the next few months, you'll start seeing the results of these changes manifesting, including with the podcast.
- Speaking
I’m already getting enquiries and bookings into Q2 and currently only have a few slots still available in Q1 for delivering paid short talks and workshops. Do get in touch if your coworkers or community would find it beneficial to learn more about topics such as Burnout, Intentional Productivity, Web3 and Wellbeing. Don’t miss out, just hit reply.
Whatever your plans this year, the important thing is to make a start.
And making a start is easier to do when we create the space for the magic to unfold.
Here’s to starting as we mean to continue.
Keep moving forwards with courage, curiosity and cadence.
Mich x
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All the podcast episodes and transcripts are available at Creating Cadence.
Or on your favourite podcast platform (Amazon Music, Apple, Spotify, Google Play and Spreaker).
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